Zodiac sign dates and traits
In Western astrology, the star sign you are born under is considered to give you your most prominent traits. Split into to twelve zodiac signs, they are roughly a month long beginning at the Spring Equinox.
Arian Traits
21st March – 19th April
Passionate, energetic and headstrong; those born under the sign of Aries have forceful personalities that demands attention. Always happy to explore new and exciting things, life is never boring in their company.
Taurean Traits
20th April – 20th May
Honest, loyal and determined; those born under the sign of Taurus are hard-workers and yet seem laid-back. Meticulous and loyal, they won’t let you down.
Geminian Traits
21st May – 20th June
Sociable, curious and emotional; those born under the sign of Gemini are always at their happiest surrounded by family and friends. Wherever there is a celebration, there is a good chance that a Gemini has made it happen.
Cancerian Traits
Cancer: 20th June – 22nd July
Intuitive with a creative spirit; those born under the sign of Cancer enjoy smaller, more intimate social circles. Within their circle of close family and friends, Cancerians bring a joy for those lucky enough to be a part of their life.
Leo Traits
23rd July – 22nd Aug
Confident with a strong personality; those born under the sign of Leo have a warmth of spirit that ensures they always have friends around. Some may be intimidated by Lions but are usually won over when they get to know them better.
Virgo Traits
23rd Aug – 22nd Sept
Elegant, intelligent and organised; those born under the sign of Virgo just love everything to just so. Constantly seeking intellectual stimulation, the Virgoian will continue to grow even as they get older.
Libran Traits
23rd September – 22nd October
Sociable and open-minded; those born under the sign of Libra get along with almost everyone. Librans like order in everything around them. Generous and kind, they seek compromise and are the perfect peace-maker.
Scorpion Traits
23rd October – 22nd November
Determined, loyal and brave; those born under the sign of Scorpio can appear to have a hard-shell but underneath that hard exterior, the Scorpion can be a big softy. Scorpions have a strong sense of self and relish their independence.
Sagittarian Traits
23rd November – 21st December
Optimistic and ready for adventure; those born under the sign of Sagittarius are natural leaders. Full of stories and fun to be around, Sagittarians are always popular. Their itchy feet mean they won’t want to stay in one place for too long.
Capricorn Traits
22nd December – 19th January
Hard-working, natural leaders with high standards; those born under the sign of Capricorn are perfectionists. Their practical nature and natural attention to detail, Capricorns are high achievers with a strong sense of self.
Aquarian Traits
20th January – 19th February
Optimistic, intelligent and intuitive; those born under the star sign of Aquarius are independent and very much their own person. Quiet and inclined to introspection, they are fun to be around when you get to know them.
Piscean Traits
20th February – 20th March
Empathetic, gentle and compassionate; those born under the sign of Pisces are natural carers. Daydreamers with artistic tendencies, they can disappear into their own heads. Great people to have on your team with their natural inclination to nurture and encourage others without needing to take the credit.